It isn’t about you

30 09 2008



Taking a step back and looking at the whole picture has kept iRM occupied for the past couple of weeks.  What are we attempting to accomplish?  How do we want to help people? Why do we want help people?  These were just a few questions that we wrestled with week after week.  Over the weekend after consulting with colleagues it became clear:


It’s not about iRM.


Once we took the emphasis off of ourselves things began to make a little more sense.  I firmly believe this realization is highly important when starting a new company.  As much as you would like your company to be successful it is helpful to remember that at the core should be the desire to help others by providing relevant services.

The tricky concept with providing Social Media Consulting is that you are constantly engaging in communities where it is the user who is projecting how things are impacting them. So the from the user standpoint social media is very “me” oriented, but this cannot be the case for the consultant. 

Although there is no quick fix the past month has been a great learning experience for iRM, and we look forward to fully helping others achieve their dreams.