
Tony is a graduate of Stanford University in the field of Science, Technology, and Society which at its core focuses on the interaction of industry and organization in the implementation of social media technology.  Upon graduation he delved into the arena of social networking at

It was during his time at Facebook that Tony realized a need to combine his passions for social media and public relations.   In 2008, he along with Carlos Hernandez founded iRM Consulting, a public relations company specializing in Social Media branding.  Tony’s primary goal is helping clients visualize their company’s success by utilizing social media technology to target key demographics and scale brand exposure.

Contact: Tony at ireflectm dot com.

Carlos R. Hernandez

I am a Social Media Catalyst, Trainer and Connector to people desiring to be Web 2.0 savvy, but especially to Baby Boomers.

Why so?

In February of 2007, I elected to pursue a calling to help people. I especially identify with fellow Baby Boomers who are intimidated by emerging social media technologies.

I have been successful by working with individuals and businesses to leverage Web 2.0 technology in their sales and marketing initiatives. My talent is to show fellow professionals how to develop networks and connections via LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter in an integrated and cross-promotional manner.

I made the conscious decision to become a social media change agent by combining my talents of public speaking, problem solving and teaching. My passion and knowledge are grounded in a 28-year professional career working for Westinghouse Electric & Eaton Corporations in technical- solution sales, marketing and project management. Academically, I studied Civil Engineering at Stanford University’s School of Engineering.

Building community is important to me and I do so through the Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity (Vice President of the Silicon Valley Alumni Association), Catholic Professional Business Club (currently as President), and Archbishop Riordan High School Alumni Council. Lastly, I devote volunteer time and energy at Grace Cathedral’s “GraceWorks” Program, currently on the “Success/Affinity Team” for those in job and/or career transition.

Contact: CarlosHernandezSF at gmail dot com.

Carlos’ LinkedIn Profile

One response

22 10 2008
Social Media PR Podcast | Baby Boomers Master Social Networking | Wired PR Works

[…] from shame about becoming older to accepting and valuing life’s accomplishments is a message that Carlos Hernandez, a native San Franciscan and social media consultant, takes to Baby Boomers and the companies who […]